Friday, April 29, 2011


 On Tuesday morning i was lucky enough to be asked to go creeking with the okere falls crew, including Ryan, Ben, Jamie, Simon, Blair, Phil, Dave, Greg, Cole, Bradley. It was a pretty big crew but some real top paddlers. 
The decision was made early on that we were going to paddle the wainui if the flow was right, so we were off. As we were driving over the group just got bigger and bigger until they had to start turning people down.
Waiting for this rest to arrive before a big day on the river. 
Photo: Bradley Lauder

Ryan showing the line for the first rapid. 
Photo: Greg Thomas

 Dave on one of the slides
Photo: Bradley Lauder

Phil on the double drop.
Photo: Greg Thomas

Greg looking back up at little brother to take this sweet photo of Jamie Garrod. 
Today this little bad boy had a bit of a rowdy lead in, but there were still good lines by those who hit it up.

Me popping over the lip of a 60foot drop. 
Photo. Bradley Lauder.

 This is the video of me doing it, from the top. Hoping to get one from the bottom as well. 
Some sweet coaching from bradley as i drop over the lip.  
Video: Bradley

  Ryan giving it everything, as he claims the first decent of this big boy a while back. 
Photo: Greg Thomas

 Me showing how not to do it, turning side ways halfway down and landing on a rock at the bottom. On one of the last big slides of the day. 
Photo: Bradley 

Photo from the top of the previous one shown. 
Show the gradient this river has to offer.
Photo Greg Thomas.

Little Video that cole made of the trip.
Carnage for the day was a big eye opener for me as one guy got stuck in a pocket on one of the last drops of the day. Having a nasty swim and getting bagged out by Bradley and help from Jamie also. He had swallowed some water and was blue in the face once pulled from underneath the water. 
This just shows how bad things can go in seconds and makes you pick who you go paddling with alot more carefully. Other than that there were just a few dents in boats from wrong lines. But all and all was a great day of the river.